A proven leader in providing professionally trained and certified Constables throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Let our State Law Enforcement Officers give you the peace of mind you deserve. 

Pennsylvania State Constables are one of the Commonwealth’s best kept Law Enforcement secrets.  Constable are elected law enforcement with statewide authority. In addition to being defined as law enforcement and police officers, constables have been categorized as “independent contractors”. This allows officers to contract with municipalities and private entities yet still retain their statutory authority and powers. 

EAST DONEGAL CONSTABLE LLC. is a fully insured, Pennsylvania family run business. The owner is a Pennsylvania State Constable himself and realized the position’s full potential. With the increasing need for a presence in both municipalities and the private sector, it became obvious there was an even bigger demand to supply those same entities with professional officers. EAST DONEGAL CONSTABLE LLC. prides itself in supplying high quality, trained officers to those in need across the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 


For more information on services or Constable law, check out our menu bar or click on the links provided. 


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