The world today is not the world we once knew. Who could have ever imagined we would be seeing the incidents and issues across the country as we are? Some of the most commonly talked about topics are the shortage of police officers, funding, and enforcement. Are you in a situation where your full-time officers are so busy that a lot of the minor issues go unanswered? Does your municipality only have a part-time police department? Do you have laws and ordinances going unenforced? Are you looking at budget constraints? These conversations have brought to light a huge opportunity for every single municipality in our state. The Pennsylvania State Constable!!  Pennsylvania already has in place a system that provides for a Constable in each municipality. Each Constable has statewide jurisdiction and is not limited to any one municipality.  We like to say that Constables are Pennsylvania’s best kept law enforcement secret.

Municipal Ordinance Enforcement Initiative:

East Donegal Constable LLC. is excited to introduce a new initiative focused on assisting municipalities with the common issues mentioned above AND a method to offset the cost.

East Donegal Constable LLC has a well-deserved reputation for its high-quality officers and positive results. With over 13 years of experience providing customers high quality service, our officers are familiar with what it takes to achieve positive outcomes. Our officers have worked in many types of municipalities. This is a huge benefit as we understand the various dynamics, populations, climates, ethnic back grounds, and religions communities.

Residents frequently complain of issues that would commonly fall under a municipality’s ordinances. Implementing a new initiative focused on ordinance enforcement will further enhance the relationship between the municipality and its residents. Take for instance Mrs. Smith who lives in a residential area on the corner of Main St. and W. Poplar St. She is frequently calling in about drivers running the stop sign at that intersection. This has been an on going problem with no enforcement. Having a consistent officer present will eventually reduce the violations and Mrs. Smith’s concerns will have been resolved. Over time as ordinances are regularly enforced, you will see a decline in the number of violations.

How about your current contracted police department has only two officers working that day and receives a 911 call of a suspicious person with a weapon. All officers are committed to another call on the opposite end of the county with at least a 30-minute response time. The neighboring police departments will not respond due to their policies. Imagine you had a Pennsylvania State Constable just down the road enforcing your ordinances and was able to arrive within a few minutes. Having an additional law enforcement officer available to assist provides increased safety for not only your residents but for the other officers responding as well.

Municipalities are frequently inundated with nuisance, disorderly conduct, disturbance, trespassing, parking, and other non-priority calls. Having an ordinance enforcement officer to handle these types of issues will not only build a better relationship between the municipality and its residents but also allows the other police officers to focus on more serious issues.

Our officers will be a continuous presence in the community, reconfirming the municipality’s commitment to public safety and residents’ concerns.



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